Billing Policy

specialist Anaesthesiologists

KeiMed is an association of Specialist Anaesthesiologists based in East London with administrative offices at the Life Beacon Bay Hospital.

All the associates are registered with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa as specialists and have an accumulative experience in anesthesia and intensive care of more than 150 years.

We provide a full range of all-hour anesthetic and intensive care services at Life St Dominic’s Hospital, Life Beacon Bay Hospital, St James’ Day Hospital, St Mark’s Hospital, Cure Day Hospital and the East London Day Hospital.

Our anaesthetic expertise includes:

Obstetrics, urology, cardio-thoracic, orthopaedic, general, dental, eye, gynaecological, plastic, neuro, paediatric, and ear-,nose- and throat surgery. We also cover acute and chronic intensive care cases. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency cases.

We provide anaesthetic and intensive care services at Life St Dominic’s Hospital, Life Beacon Bay Hospital, St James’ Day Hospital, St Mark’s Hospital and the East London Eye Hospital.

Much of our time is spent staying abreast of all new aspects of anaesthetic care and we attend regular workshops and congresses across the country.

Contact Details

043 701 8300

32 Quenera Dr, Beacon Bay North, East London, 5205

Mon - Thurs: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri: 08:00 - 16:00